Sunday, November 15, 2009

Been soooo long!

Have to put Blogging on my todo list! Unfortunately anything that comes after Facebook rarely gets done. I am obsessed with Mafia Wars! uuggghh!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My wild cousin!

Untitled: The latest Bovard party girl!!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

I did a usability study today!

After Jazzy's audition I had the opportunity to try a great new browser... FLOCK! It looks great and I hope you will try it!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Grease Audition!

Jazzy auditioned for Grease today! She wants to be Rizzo??? Not really her but she was pulling it off before they kicked us stage moms out! Shout up a prayer that she gets it, will you?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

fabulous at 40

Well, I'll be turning the big 40 in August! It couldn't happen at a worse time financially. I have not had it in the budget to take care of myself as I should while trying to launch Nate's business. I don't even really like to get out!

BUT God is my provider! While looking at focus groups and odd jobs on Craigslist (God's Classifieds if you take away the smut sections!) I found a hair colorist seeking a hair model! I said why not try and did and he chose ME!!!

I go tomorrow and expect to look fabulous for my 40th! Too bad there arent any liposection or plastic surgury ads in there!!

Ciao for now!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Americas next top child model?

So..... should I put my kids into modeling or not? This has been the question for the last 8 years as my oldest daughter's looks stopped strangers on the street at 3 months old. I never really pursued it and regret it now! All that college money collecting interest would be great!

Now some doors seem to be opening again. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity as who knows how long we'll be in the San Francisco Area. What about the rejection? What about the constant running around? What about my other children? What about the initial expense?

I sure wish there was an easy answer!

Another day in the life of me!

Cleaning is hell. In Hell, I believe that all you do all day and night are clean up after who knows who. Demons perhaps? Clean is a subjective term in itself. What is clean for one person is certainly not clean enough for another. It probably doesn't help that I am married to a man that is reminiscent of the TV character "Monk". Most people who see my home comment on how great it looks even though we have 3 kids even if they drop by unannounced! But my husband who was raised by his Grandmother (they are African American) in Georgia expects me to dance around like "Mr. Clean" all day with a smile on my face like "June Cleaver" and take this huge amount of pride in it. I do not know if it is a cultural thing or what.

Now on the other hand, my pet peeve is punctuality! He is always LATE. I think it is rude and unacceptable.

Unfortunately I doubt that I'll ever be clean enough or he'll ever be punctual enough so we will both have to continue to compromise. This is a lot easier IF you get some help from God by the way!

Good luck and Good bye